All adults know eating your greens are healthy, be it to promote bowel movements and for better skin and overall well-being. However, most of us, particularly parents, will know how difficult it is to get children to eat their vegetables. Some kids are also averse to fruits even though they are sweet and juicy.
There is a perfectly scientific reason to this. Our ancestors have developed a taste bud to determine if some plants are edible. The more bitter it is, the food is likely to be toxic or harmful. As we evolve, we continue to have the sense that bitter foods are not good for us, and kids naturally taste this bitterness more keenly than adults. We all know that some vegetables do taste somewhat earthy, tasteless or just plain awful (Green peas anyone?).
You have tried hiding the vegetables with other food, beautifying it and making it Instagram-worthy and have ran out of ideas. Instead of making meal times a torture, why not try some fruits or vegetables chips?
One, you can get the kids used to the idea of eating the healthy food that actually taste good. Everything is interesting when these vegetables and fruits are presented in a 'crackers' form. Once the kids are not averse to vegetables, it will be easier to serve them in cooked form and incorporate into your daily meals.
Two, these chips are really quite healthy. More than 80% of the ingredients are made up of the vegetables and fruits themselves, and there are no preservatives or starch added.
Three, look at the nutritional facts of our Truly Veggie Medley below. It contains 8g dietary fiber and 0g added sugar. That's for 100g which is more than 2 servings. Even an apple that is 100g only contains 2.4g of dietary fiber so you are definitely getting the daily load of nutrients.
Before your kids grab some potato chips or chocolates, why not get them to try these healthy snacks instead? You don't have to cook them and there are less nasty ingredients involved. Plus, they will likely come to love it instead of candies instead!
Very soon, meal times will be fun and will have less drama.