It's a road with no known destination, no fixed path to walk on, no lights to guide you through. The unknown is scary.
What should I do?
I can finally understand why most people lead their whole life serving the corporate master and never take any action to start their own business. It's too overwhelming when you are given a blank paper to work on. What colours should I start with? What should I draw? What am I interested about that I can continue to work on it for a long time? What if I draw outside the paper?
What if I fail?
The questions kept coming. It seems too difficult, too arduous and your critical self kept staging a comeback. The uncertainty. The wavering. Suddenly, it seems foolish to dive head down into their dog eat dog world.
What if SnackFirst never becomes successful?
It's the only way I can understand and realise my own true potential. The fear of not trying is more regretful for me. I do understand that failure can happen at any time and for the first 3 years, I should not hope for any profits. I have to continue to sink in capital to make it successful. For that to happen, I need to have funds.
Where do I get the money?
I don't think the questions will ever stop and the urge to take the easy way out never really go away. The discouraging voices will grow louder every time an issue crops up and when sales do not come in as hoped for. Even more give up during this stage.
What if I go bankrupt?
If I have no money, I can go back to find another job or find part time employment. I can teach tuition, I can do road show sales job. I know I won't starve to death, I can find a job if I want to. Don't try unless you are ready for a tough journey.
What's the worst that could happen?
That is the only question I think is important. You will have to forge on, to brave the resistance, to fight through the mist and find your niche. For me, I kept telling myself that if so many similar Parallel Importers, coffee shops, food stalls, websites, delivery services can do it, then so can I. If so many disorganised organisations can do it, why can't I? Overwhelmed with so many defeatist comments and numerous obstacles, it seems like business will never take off. My worst scenario is to go back and find employment, that's not so bad at all.
Why not?
Faced with never-ending uncertainty, it's a risk I am willing to take. Success does not comes easy, it is not for everyone. Since I want to be successful, I will need to take sacrifices and constant doubts. The potential benefits far outweigh the risks, in my opinion.
Can I do it?
Maybe, maybe not. The only way to find out is to try.
Disclaimer: Like me on Facebook if you would like to stay updated on other family expenses. This post first appeared on SimplyJesMe.